CIN Games of the Brain Workshop
Perspectives on Introspection and Self-Knowledge: a Workshop with Alex Byrne
July 3-4, 2014
University of Tuebingen
This is the final call for applications for a fully funded PhD studentship in integrated history and philosophy of science at Durham.
This is an exciting opportunity, including the possibility of a full year working in the US with leading philosophers and historians of science.
Full details available here:
Los pasados días 27, 28, 29 y 30 de mayo de 2014 se celebró en la Universidad de Salamanca el IV Encuentro de Estudiantes del Doctorado en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia. El evento fue organizado por el doctorado interuniversitario en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, con el objetivo de promover el encuentro entre los alumnos de doctorado y...
Se encuentra abierta la convocatoria a enviar propuestas de participación al
del 4 al 6 de junio de 2014 en la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico,
en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
The purpose of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science is to study the logic, the methods, and the philosophy of science, as well as those of the various special sciences, including the social sciences.
Está abierta la convocatoria de Becas de la Fundación Carolina.
This is the fourth edition of a world event dedicated to universal logic. This event is a combination of aschool and a congress. The school offers 21 tutorials on a wide range of subjects. The congress will follow with invited talks and contributed talks organized in many sessions including 13 workshops. There will also be a contest.