Para una lista completa y actualizada, ver mi página personal.
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, "Action Models for the Extended Mind", in Epistemology, Knowledge and the Impact of Interaction, pp 433-444, Springer, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26506-3_19
- Nicolas Gauvrit, Henrik Singmann, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, "Algorithmic complexity for psychology: a user-friendly implementation of the coding theorem method", Behavior Research Methods, volume 48, issue 1, 2016, pp 314-329. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-015-0574-3 [Preliminary version: arXiv:1409.4080 [cs.CC]]
- Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, Enrique Sarrión-Morrillo, Fernando Soler-Toscano , Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "Public and Secret Forgetting of Propositional Formulas", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9422, 2015, pp 139-149. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-24598-0_13
- Hector Zenil, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Jean-Paul Delahaye and Nicolas Gauvrit, "Two-dimensional Kolmogorov complexity and an empirical validation of the Coding theorem method by compressibility", PeerJ Computer Science, 1:e23, 2015. DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.23
- David Fernández-Duque, Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, Enrique Sarrión-Morrillo, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "Forgetting complex propositions", Logic Journal of the IGPL, 23(6), pp. 942-965, 2015. DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzv049 [Preliminary version: arXiv:1507.01111 [cs.LO]]
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, "A Computable Measure of Algorithmic Probability by Finite Approximations", arXiv:1504.06240 [cs.IT]
- Andres Cordon-Franco, Hans van Ditmarsch, David Fernandez-Duque, Fernando Soler-Toscano, "A geometric protocol for cryptography with cards", Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2015), 74(1): 113-125, DOI: 10.1007/s10623-013-9855-y [Preliminary version: arXiv:1301.4289]
- Pere Pardo, Enrique Sarrión-Morillo, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "Efficient Program Transformers for Translating LCC to PDL", Logics in Artificial Intelligence, LNCS, Volume 8761, 2014, pp 253-266, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11558-0_18
- Nicolas Gauvrit, Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Fernando Soler-Toscano, "Algorithmic complexity for short binary strings applied to psychology: a primer", Behavior Research Methods, Volume 46, Issue 3, 2014, pp 732-744, DOI: 10.3758/s13428-013-0416-0 [Preliminary version: arXiv: 1106.3059 [cs.CC]]
- Nicolas Gauvrit, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, "Natural scene statistics mediate the perception of image complexity", Visual Cognition, Volume 22, Issue 8, 2014, pp. 1084-1091, DOI:10.1080/13506285.2014.950365 [Preliminary version: PDF]
- Fernando Soler Toscano, "El giro dinámico en la epistemología formal: el caso del razonamiento explicativo", THEORIA 29 (2), 2014, pp. 181-199, DOI: 10.1387/theoria.6347
- Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "The Fundamental Problem of Contemporary Epistemology", Teorema, Vol. XXXIII/2, 2014, pp. 89-103.
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye and Nicolas Gauvrit, "Calculating Kolmogorov Complexity from the Output Frequency Distributions of Small Turing Machines", PLoS ONE 9(5): e96223. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096223
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "Generation and Selection of Abductive Explanations for Non-Omniscient Agents", Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Volume 23, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 141-168, DOI: 10.1007/s10849-014-9192-1
- Hector Zenil, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Kamaludin Dingle, Ard A. Louis, "Correlation of automorphism group size and topological properties with program-size complexity evaluations of graphs and complex networks", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 404, 2014, pp. 341-358, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2014.02.060 [Preliminary version: arXiv:1306.0322 [cs.IT]]
- Nicolas Gauvrit, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Henrik Singmann, Package 'acss', The Comprehensive R Archive Network, The R Project for Statistical Computing, 2014 [Reference manual]
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Nicolas Gauvrit, Hector Zenil, Henrik Singmann, Package '', The Comprehensive R Archive Network, The R Project for Statistical Computing, 2014 [Reference manual]
- Joost Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Fractal Dimension versus Time Complexity in Turing Machines, Wolfram Demonstrations Project, 2014
- Fernando Soler Toscano, Hector Zenil, De los universos digitales a la mente. Nuevas herramientas para cuantificar nuestra intuición sobre la complejidad y el azar, Investigación y Ciencia, Diciembre 2013, Nº 447, pp. 10-12
- Hector Zenil, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Infinite Monkey Theorem, Wolfram Demonstrations Project, 2013
- Joost J. Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, "Fractal Dimension of Space-time Diagrams and the Runtime Complexity of Small Turing Machines", in T. Neary and M. Cook (Eds.): Machines, Computations and Universality (MCU 2013), EPTCS 128, 2013, pp. 29-30, DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.128.9 [Slides]
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, "Razonamiento explicativo y evolución de lógicas: una aproximación desde la semántica de mundos posibles", Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, vol. XVIII, (2013), pp. 399-412 [Versión preliminar (sin erratas en el aparato formal)]
- Joost J. Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, "Fractal dimension versus computational complexity", arXiv:1309.1779 [cs.CC]
- Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, "An epistemic and dynamic approach to abductive reasoning: Abductive problem and abductive solution", Journal of Applied Logic 11 (4), 2013, pp. 505-522, DOI: 10.1016/j.jal.2013.07.002
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye and Nicolas Gauvrit, "Correspondence and Independence of Numerical Evaluations of Algorithmic Information Measures", Computability, Volume 2, number 2 (2013), pp. 125-140, DOI: 10.3233/COM-13019 [Preliminary version: arXiv:1211.4891]
- Andres Cordon-Franco, Hans van Ditmarsch, David Fernandez-Duque, Fernando Soler-Toscano, "A colouring protocol for the generalized Russian cards problem", Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 495, p. 81-95, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2013.05.010 [Preliminary version: arXiv:1207.5216]
- Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "An epistemic and dynamic approach to abductive reasoning: selecting the best explanation", Logic Journal of the IGPL (2013), 21 (6), p. 943-961. DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzt013
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Kolmogorov Complexity of 3×3 and 4×4 Squares, Wolfram Demonstrations Project, 2013
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye, and Nicolas Gauvrit, Small Turing Machines with Halting State: Enumeration and Running on a Blank Tape, Wolfram Demonstrations Project, 2013
- li>Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye and Nicolas Gauvrit, The Online Algorithmic Complexity Calculator.
- Joost Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Speedup and Slowdown Phenomena in Turing Machines, Wolfram Demonstrations Project, 2012
- Fernando Soler Toscano (2012). "¿Qué es lo lógico? La logicidad dentro y fuera de la lógica". Revista de Humanidades, p. 191-210. ISSN 1130-5029
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Razonamiento abductivo en lógica clásica. Londres, College Publications. [Índice e introducción | Amazon UK | Amazon US]
- Andres Cordon-Franco, Hans van Ditmarsch, David Fernandez-Duque, Joost J. Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, "A secure additive protocol for card players". The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 54 (2012), 163-175. [preliminary version: arXiv:1111.0156]
- Hector Zenil, Fernando Soler Toscano, Joost Joosten, "Empirical Encounters with Computational Irreducibility and Unpredictability", Minds and Machines, Volume 22, Number 3 (2012), 149-165. DOI: 10.1007/s11023-011-9262-y. [preliminary version: arXiv:1104.3421]
- Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "Dinámica de la información en agentes no omniscientes". En Ensayos sobre lógica, lenguaje, mente y ciencia, Alfar, 2012, pp. 49-61.
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, "A dynamic-epistemic approach to abductive reasoning". In Logic of Knowledge. Theory and Applications, College Publications, London, 2012, pp. 47-78. ISBN: 978-1-84890-074-5.
- Fernando Soler Toscano, David Fernández Duque, Ángel Nepomuceno Fernández, "A modal framework for modeling abductive reasoning", Logic Journal of the IGPL, 20(2), pp. 438-444, 2012; doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzq059
- Ignacio Hernández-Antón, Fernando Soler-Toscano and Hans van Ditmarsch, "Unconditionally Secure Protocols with Genetic Algorithms". In Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Volume 156/2012, 121-128, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28762-6_15.
- Hans van Ditmarsch, Jan van Eijck, Ignacio Hernández-Antón, Floor Sietsma, Sunil Simon and Fernando Soler-Toscano, "Modelling Cryptographic Keys in Dynamic Epistemic Logic with DEMO". In Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Volume 156/2012, 155-162, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28762-6_19.
- Fernando Soler-Toscano, "Visualizing Abduction". In Kairos. Revista de Filosofia & Ciência, Volume 3, 39-52, 2011.
- Joost Joosten, Fernando Soler Toscano, Hector Zenil, "Program-size versus Time complexity. Slowdown and speed-up phenomena in the micro-cosmos of small Turing machines", International Journal of Unconventional Computing, Volume 7, Number 5, 2011, pp. 353-387. [preliminary version: arXiv:1102.5389v1]
- Hans P. van Ditmarsch, Fernando Soler-Toscano, "Three Steps". In Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (Proceedings of CLIMA XII), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6814, Springer, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22359-4_4
- Patrick Blackburn, Hans P. van Ditmarsch, María Manzano, Fernando Soler Toscano, F. (Eds.), Tools for Teaching Logic, Springer LNAI-FoLLI, 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-21349-6
- Michael Albert, Andres Cordon-Franco, Hans van Ditmarsh, David Fernandez-Duque, Joost J Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Secure Communication of Local States in Interpreted Systems, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011, Volume 91/2011, pp. 117-124, Springer. ISSN: 1867-5662. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19934-9_15.
- Ángel Nepomuceno Fernández, Fernando Soler Toscano, Atocha Aliseda Llera, "From Classical Logic to Abductive Logical Systems", en John Symons, Olga Pombo y Juan Manuel Torres (eds.), Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science, Vol. 18 de Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Springer 2011, Pag. 201-212.
- Joost J. Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, "Complejidad descriptiva y computacional en máquinas de Turing pequeñas", en Lógica Universal e Unidade da Ciência, Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 2011, pp. 11-32, ISBN: 978-989-8247-49-0 [preliminary version: arXiv:1010.1328]
Trabajo como Profesor Contratado Doctor en el Departamento de Filosofía, Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Sevilla. Las asignaturas que cada año imparto pueden consultarse en esta página. Soy también Profesor-Tutor del Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia en el Centro Asociado de Sevilla.
Para una información más actualizada, consultar mi página personal.
Nepomuceno Fernandez, Angel, Soler Toscano, Fernando:
Logic and philosophy of science: dynamic epistemic logic. Comunicación en congreso. Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century - Challenges and Tasks. Lisboa, Portugal. 2013
Joosten, Joost Johannes, Soler Toscano, Fernando, Zenil, Hector:
Fractal Dimension of Space-time Diagrams and the Runtime Complexity of Small Turing Machines. Comunicación en congreso. Machines, Computations and Universality 2013. Zürich, Suiza. 2013
Soler Toscano, Fernando:
A universal measure of complexity: approximations and applications. Comunicación en congreso. Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century - Challenges and Tasks. Lisboa, Portugal. 2013
Hernández Antón, Ignacio, Sarrión Morillo, Enrique, Soler Toscano, Fernando:
Abducción y Semántica de Teoría de Juegos. Comunicación en congreso. VII Congreso de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España. Santiago de Compostela. 2012
Nepomuceno Fernandez, Angel, Soler Toscano, Fernando, Velázquez Quesada, Fernando Raymundo:
The dynamics of information in non-omniscient agents. Poster en Congreso. Loft 2012. 10th Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theor. 2012
Hernández Antón, Ignacio, Soler Toscano, Fernando, Van Ditmarsch, Hans:
Unconditionally Secure Protocols with Genetic Algorithms. Comunicación en congreso. 10th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 2012
Van Ditmarsch, Hans, Van Eijck, Jan, Hernández Antón, Ignacio, Sietsma, Floor, Sunil, Simon, et. al.:
Modelling Cryptographic Keys in Dynamic Epistemic Logic with DEMO. Comunicación en congreso. 10th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 2012
Nepomuceno Fernandez, Angel, Soler Toscano, Fernando, Velázquez Quesada, Fernando Raymundo:
Abductive reasoning from the agent's point of view. Comunicación en congreso. Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology 2012. Sestri Levante, Italy. 2012
Soler Toscano, Fernando:
Action Models for the Extended Mind. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium of Epistemology, Logic and Language. Lisboa, Portugal. 2012
Soler Toscano, Fernando:
Attacking and Fixing an Epistemic Protocol with DEMO. Comunicación en congreso. 20th workshop on Games, Logic, Language and Computation: Epistemic Actions for Non-ideal Agents. Amsterdam. 2011
Soler Toscano, Fernando, Velázquez Quesada, Fernando R.:
Razonamiento abductivo en agentes no omniscientes. Comunicación en congreso. VI Jornadas Ibéricas. Lógica, Lenguaje, Mente y Cienci. Facultad de Filosofía de la Ucm. 2011
Joosten, Joost Johannes, Zenil, Hector, Soler Toscano, Fernando:
Entropy as an indication of the runtime of terminating discrete dynamical processes. Comunicación en congreso. ECCS'11 - European Conference on Complex Systems 2011. Austria, Viena. 2011
Albert, Michael, Cordon Franco, Andres, Van Ditmarsch, Hans, Fernandez Duque, David, Joosten, Joost Johannes, et. al.:
Secure communication of local states in interpreted systems. Comunicación en congreso. DCAI-2011: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Rectorado de la Universidad de Salamanca. 2011
Van Ditmarsch, Hans, Soler Toscano, Fernando:
Three Steps. Comunicación en congreso. Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona. 2011
Tesis doctorales dirigidas: