FoLLI - The Association for Logic, Language and Information

FoLLI was founded in 1991 to advance the practising of research and education on the interfaces between Logic, Linguistics, Computer Science and Cognitive Science and related disciplines.

FoLLI has been conceived as a meeting place between various existing fields. Very broadly, FoLLI's basic natural focus is on the phenomenon of information. Linguistics studies information structures, computer science studies mechanisms for processing information, and logic is the mathematical study of both representational and computational aspects. This general connection shows in many specific research lines. In substantial and flourishing areas like generalized quantifier theory, type theory, or dynamic semantics, it is hard to tell where one discipline begins and another ends. And new links of this kind keep emerging in our community.

En el curso 2023-2024 la sede del máster es la Universidad de Granada

El máster da acceso al doctorado interuniversitario en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia

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Enciclopedias, revistas, sociedades, bibliotecas virtuales

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Trabajos fin de máster realizados por nuestros alumnos

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Nuestro decálogo de honestidad intelectual

Nuestro sistema de garantía de calidad