Science, Technology and Gender

Course Objectives

  • Detect the main problems arising from the relations among science, technology and women, both at historical and sociological levels.
  • Identify bias and values underlying scientific practice, arguing the relevance of a gender perspective for a true understanding of science and technology.
  • Debate in an orderly and accurate manner the possible solutions to the new ethical and political challenges of a techno-scientific society from a gender perspective.


  1. Introduction to science, technology and gender studies
  2. Women in history and the historical role of women in science and technology
  3. Participation of women in science and technology
  4. Biology is destiny
    4.1. History of women biological ideas until the XXth Century
    4.2. Evolutionism, sociobiology and primatology
    4.3. Biopolitics and technology
    4.4.  Medicine
  5. Criticism to science
    5.1. Values and metaphors in certain disciplines
    5.2.  Knowledge and objectivity

Basic and complementary bibliography

González García, Marta I. y Eulalia Pérez Sedeño (2002), “Ciencia, Tecnología y Género”, Revista Iberoamericana de Educación 2 (enero-abril), htpp://

Harding, Sandra (1986), Feminismo y ciencia, Barcelona: Morata, 1995.

Jahme, Carole (2000), Bellas y bestias. El papel de las mujeres en los estudios sobre primates. Madrid: Ateles, 2002.

Keller, Evelyn Fox (1985), Reflexiones sobre género y ciencia, Valencia: Alfons el Magnànim, 1991.

Lewontin, Richard C., Rose, Steve y Kamin, Leon J. (1984): “La legitimación de la desiguldad” y “El determinismo del patriarcado” en No está en los genes, Barcelona, Drakontos, 2009.

Ortiz, T. (2006), Medicina, historia y género. 130 años de investigación feminista. Oviedo: KRK.

Pérez Sedeño, Eulalia, cood. (2003), La situación de las mujeres en el sistema educativo de ciencia y tecnología en España y en su contexto internacional” Programa de Análisis y estudios de acciones destinadas a la mejora de la Calidad de la Enseñanza Superior y de Actividades del Profesorado Universitario (REF: S2/EA2003-0031).

Pérez Sedeño, Eulalia y Adriana Kiczkowski (2010): Un universo por descubrir. Género y Astronomía en España, Madrid-México, Plaza y Valdés.

Pérez Sedeño, Eulalia y Esther Ortega Arjonilla (2014): “Los cuerpos de la ciencia: una mirada desde los estudios CTG” en Pérez Sedeño, Eulalia y Esther Ortega Arjonilla (eds.) Cartografías del cuerpo: biopolíticas de la ciencia y la tecnología, Madrid, Ed. Cátedra, pp. 8-46.

Schiebinger, Londa (1989): ¿Tiene sexo la mente?, Madrid, ed. Cátedra


Basic skills

BS6. To have a strong knowledge base that allows them to innovate in the development and/or implementation of ideas, especially for research purposes.  

BS7. The ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little known areas within wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.

BS8. The ability to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexities of forming opinions based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on social responsibilities and ethics. 

BS9. The ability to clearly and unambiguously communicate conclusions and the knowledge and reasons behind them to specialized and non-specialized audiences.

BS10. Learning skills to carry out further studies and research in a self-directed and autonomous way.

General skills

GS1. Students should be able to produce readable, detailed and technically correct documents and research work that meet the current international standards for the disciplines.

Specific skills

SS1. The ability to identify traditional and current knowledge specific to the field of logic and philosophy of science, as well as the different trends of thought and tradition involved.

SS2. Mastery of the analytical tools provided by philosophy to facilitate the clear identification of the semantic, logical, epistemological, ontological, axiological and ethical factors that are present in science and technology.          

SS3. The ability to assess disputes, considering and overviewing alternatives to decide upon the better justified and reasoned parts.   

SS4. To be able to identify arguments as they appear in texts, dialogues and discussions, assessing their accuracy, acceptability and persuasiveness.

Teaching Methodology

On-site theoretical lessons; for each topic, the lesson shall:

  1. present the subject matter, offer guidelines for its development and explain its fundamental contents; 
  2. offer extra material to facilitate a well-supported preparation of the topic on the part of the students as well as guidance on the nature and content of the main sources of information.

Essay and complementary tasks to be performed by the students:

  1. exercises asked by the teacher
  2. analysis and comments on at least two of the articles suggested by the specific bibliography  c) final individual essay supervised by the teacher.

Assessment System

Compulsory attendance to on-site lessons:

  • Fulfillment of exercises
  • Production of comments on at least two of the articles suggested by the specific bibliography
  • Final essay
  • Attendance and participation in lessons and tutorials: 20% 
  • Exercises and class work follow-up: 40%
  • Final essay: 40%

Study time and individual work

  • Total hours: 125 hours
  • Total on-site lessons: 10 hours
    • Total on-site theoretical lessons: 10 hours
  • Total hours individual work: 115 hours
    • Tutorials: 10 hours
    • Tasks to be done along the semester: 73 hours
    • Final exam or final essay supervised by the teacher: 32 hours

Recommendations for the study of the subject

  • English reading skills are advisable.

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