Job openings: three PhD positions in philosophy

The Philosophy Department of the University of Twente is looking for three PhD candidates to work in the project “Theorizing Technological Mediation: Towards an empirical-philosophical theory of technology”. This five-year project, which includes six researchers, will study the relations between human beings and technology, focusing on its epistemological, ethical, and metaphysical dimensions. Its aim is to develop a theory of technological mediation: how do technologies help to shape human understandings of the world, normative frameworks and actions, and metaphysical frameworks? Project leader is Peter-Paul Verbeek. More information on the positions and the project can be found at:
The PhD projects are:
  1. The mediated brain: Understanding the technological mediation of knowledge
  2. Mediated morality: Google Glass, gender selection, and the complex interactions between ethics and technology
  3. Technology and religion: Neuroscience, reproduction technology, and transcendence

En el curso 2023-2024 la sede del máster es la Universidad de Granada

El máster da acceso al doctorado interuniversitario en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia

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