Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice Fourth Biennal Conference, June 26-29 2013

Noticias Generales

Conference Program

The Fourth Biennial Meeting of the Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice [SPSP] will be hosted by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) of the University of Toronto, Canada, on 26-29 June 2013. The meeting aims to bring together philosophers of science whose research focuses on the detailed and systematic study of scientific practices; and researchers in the social and the natural sciences, who wish to add a philosophical dimension to their work and reflect on its conceptual and practical roots and implications. Session topics include studies of how key components of scientific research, such as models and experiments, are or have been used within a wide spectrum of specific disciplines, ranging from mathematics to chemistry, biology, physics, medicine and the engineering and environmental sciences. Another important strand consist of methodological discussions to improve the integration of philosophical reasoning with empirical studies of scientific activities. There is also significant engagement with the interface of scientific practices with broader social structures and activities, i.e issues concerning science and public policy, and science and values more generally. The conference will include more than 100 research presentations, in parallel sessions, as well as keynote lectures by distinguished scholars, over three days.

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