Videos de Interés

Webcast sponsored by Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by Green College. Patricia S. Churchland is professor emerita of philosophy at the University of California, San Diego, and an adjunct professor at the Salk Institute.

Leading philosophers including William Lane Craig, Quentin Smith, Paul Ricoeur, David Hugh Mellor, and Michael Friedman discuss time.

Leading philosophers including William Lane Craig, Quentin Smith, Paul Ricoeur, David Hugh Mellor, and Michael Friedman discuss time.

Leading philosophers including William Lane Craig, Quentin Smith, Paul Ricoeur, David Hugh Mellor, and Michael Friedman discuss time.

Professor Ian Hacking explores how our innate sense of symmetry has enabled us to probe the hidden secrets of nature and also get along with each other.

Biologist Richard Dawkins launches into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education.

In this new RSA Animate, renowned experimental psychologist Steven Pinker shows us how the mind turns the finite building blocks of language into infinite meanings.

While there are many differences between modern science and philosophy, there are still a number of lessons in modes of thought that scientists can take from philosophy.


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