Enlaces de Interés: Revista de Filosofía del Lenguaje


Disputatio publishes first-rate articles and discussion notes on all aspects of analytical philosophy, but especially those dealing with current issues in the philosophies of language, logic, and mind, and also in epistemology and metaphysics, written in English or Portuguese.

Journal of Pragmatics

Linguistic pragmatics has been able to formulate a number of questions over the years that are essential to our understanding of language as people's main instrument of "natural" and "societal" interaction.

Journal of Semantics

Journal of Semantics aims to be the premier journal in semantics. It covers all areas in the study of meaning, with a focus on formal and experimental methods.

Linguistics and Philosophy

Linguistics and Philosophy focuses on issues related to structure and meaning in natural language, as addressed in the semantics, philosophy of language, pragmatics and related disciplines.

Mind & Language

The phenomena of mind and language are currently studied by researchers in linguistics, philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, and cognitive anthropology. Mind & Language brings this work together in a genuinely interdisciplinary way.

En el curso 2023-2024 la sede del máster es la Universidad de Granada

El máster da acceso al doctorado interuniversitario en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia

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