The Journal of Logic, Language and Information

The Journal of Logic, Language and Information explores the foundations of natural, formal, and programming languages, as well as the different forms of human and mechanized inference. It covers the logical, linguistic, and information-theoretic parts of the cognitive sciences. Among the principal subareas are Intensional Logics including Dynamic Logic; Nonmonotonic Logic and Belief Revision; Constructive Logics; Complexity Issues in Logic and Linguistics; Theoretical Problems of Logic Programming and Resolution; Categorial Grammar and Type Theory; Generalized Quantification; Information-Oriented Theories of Semantic Structure like Situation Semantics, Discourse Representation Theory, and Dynamic Semantics; Connectionist Models of Logical and Linguistic Structures. The journal offers a forum for researchers interested in the theoretical foundations of these subjects and their interdisciplinary connections. This is the official publication of the European Association for Logic, Language, and Information.

En el curso 2023-2024 la sede del máster es la Universidad de Granada

El máster da acceso al doctorado interuniversitario en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia

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