Housing, Mensa, Services


The University of Valladolid (UVa) offers different types of housing and accommodation, from university residences to apartments, etc.

University residences, apartments and other housing options

Colegio Mayor Santa Cruz

Residencia Universitaria Alfonso VIII

Residencia de Postgrado Reyes Católicos

Apartamentos Cardenal Mendoza

Otros colegios mayores y residencias de estudiantes

Programa de alojamiento compartido entre personas mayores y estudiantes

Información de pisos de alquiler (facilitada por la UVa)

All this info HERE.

It is also possible to find accommodation in hotels, hostels and other private establishements, within a wide range of accommodation offered by the city of Valladolid.  Info available on the web site booking.com.


Mensa and cafeteria services are available at the UVa faculties and centers, with a good quality-to-price ratio. More info HERE


Additonally, the University of Valladolid provides many services to the university community. More info HERE.

General tourism info provided by the Town Hall of Valladolid (in Spanish): HERE.

The headquarter for 2017-2018 is the University of Valladolid

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