Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance


The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), made up by a president, a secretary and five members, two of which are students, is the body responsible for keeping the Master's Degree's quality assurance procedures under review.   The QAC is made up by:

President: Amparo Gómez (ULL)


  • Member 1: Concepción Martínez (USC)
  • Member 2: Obdulia Torres (USAL)
  • Member 3: María Caamaño (UVA)
  • Member 4: José Ángel Gascón Salvador (student)
  • Member 5: Raquel Fernández Cruz (student)

The QAC's tasks include:

The collection of data and evidence related to the development of the curriculum and their analysis and assessment for its further improvement. 

Follow-up of the proposed plans for improvement, as well as of the actions derived from responses to suggestions, claims or complaints from any member of the university community involved (students, teachers and researchers, staff, graduates, employers). 

The management of the "Degree's Files", where all the documents related to the implementation, development and follow-up of the Degree will be included.

The opportunity of direct communication with students through regular meetings and/or the QAC's e-mail address for information related to the development of the study plan and so that any problems that may arise can be solved as soon as possible.

Suggestions and Complaints

Students can use the following channels to submit suggestions or complaints related to the Master's Degree:

Institutional Channels

The usual institutional channels for the submission of suggestions and/or complaints: Student Unions, University Ombudsperson, student representation in the Governing Council, Department and Centre meetings, etc.). The channels to file claims and complaints at each university are:

  1. University of Santiago de Compostela: http://www.usc.es/es/servizos/oar/
  2. University of Salamanca: http://www.usal.es/sugerenciasquejas
  3. University of Valladolid: click here   
  4. University of La Laguna: http://www.ull.es/view/institucional/ull/Quejas_y_sugerencias/es  
  5. University of Valencia: http://www.uv.es/uvweb/universitat/ca/estudis-postgrau/masters-oficials/...
  6. University of Granada: http://escuelaposgrado.ugr.es/pages/calidad

Master's Degree Quality Assurance Committee

Students can communicate directly with the Quality Assurance Committee by sending their complaints and suggestions to the e-mail address provided for this purpose, buzonLFC@usal.es, or through their representatives in the Committee.

The moodle platform includes a subject called Master's Degree Follow-up, where students can keep up with news related to the degree, participate in forums and have access to the e-mail addresses of all the teachers and students of the Master's Degree.

How to Proceed

The first step for filing suggestions or complaints related to the Master's Degree is to directly approach the members of the QAC, who will attend to them and reply as soon as possible.  The formal procedure is: 

  1. Submission of the suggestions and/or complaints in writing, including the identity of the person making the claim. 
  2. The QAC will open a file for each suggestion or complaint, which will be used as a reference to determine the measures to be taken in each case.
  3. Analysis, resolution and publication of suggestions and/or complaints.  Upon assessment of the suggestion or complaint, the QAC will determine the measures to be taken, publishing them on the website of the postgraduate degree within the virtual subject "Follow-up of the Master's Degree". The person who filed the complaint will be informed personally of the answer.
  4. The follow-up file will detail the steps taken and the resolution timeframes set for each complaint or suggestion.
  5. The Summary Annual Report will document the services provided and the suggestions and claims submitted.

The headquarter for 2017-2018 is the University of Valladolid

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